At the 2010 PA Leadership Summit on Oral Health, participants heard presentations on oral health science, the politics and economics of dental care, and examples of how family medicine and pediatric practitioners successfully partnered with dentists and incorporated the oral health preventive advisories in their clinical and administrative systems. This poster summarizes the format used in the 2010 PA Leadership Summit on Oral Health.
This is the online storehouse of downloadable resources available from the NIIOH. If you have a digital asset that you feel could be of use to the NIIOH’s mission, or questions about existing assets, please contact us.
January 18, 2011,Document
January 18, 2011,Audio
This voice recording enables a primary care clinician to learn about the experience a mother might have with her young child and early childhood caries. This narrative offers insights into the multiple factors causing the disease as well as the impact that the disease has on families. This rich story unfolds because a primary clinician asks about oral health as part of a well child check.
January 18, 2011,Document
Oral health is the "low hanging fruit" of prevention since we already know the causes and we have interventions that work. This document summarizes the basics of what primary care clinicians need to know about oral health for children and seniors, and makes the case for primary care clinician engagement.
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